
Friday, May 28, 2010

Clean Heart, Clean Mind

If you ask all students, do they ever cheat or no, they will say, “Of course Yes!” People think that cheating is so common for students. When we asked them why they did that, one of Fikom Unpad student, Asyim, said, “Because I never got caught when I was cheating.” Cheating becomes common thing in academic area. All students usually do this in different style. Prof. Engkus Kuswarno, M.S., a lecturer in Fikom Unpad, told us some cheating style, like sabotage another student’s answer, and plagiarism. Even people do different style, they still have one same rule, “No one knows about what I do.” But the problem is, do we still do it when we know that what we do is totally wrong?

There’s still one question in our mind, do anyone care about this phenomenon that has happened for years? Maybe this case will help you to find the answer, students from Communication Management 2008 Fikom Unpad have an initiative to do a campaign, “Gerakan Berantas Kecurangan Akademik (Gebrak Fikom), starts from 25 to 27 May 2010. According to Rendy Ega, leader committee of Gebrak Fikom, they chosen this theme to fulfill they Propaganda-Campaign assignment. They also see that all education things are actually very close with our daily life which we think so usual for us. But the fact is this case can be the beginning of corruption thing.

(Committee of Gebrak Fikom invite student to not cheat)

Rendy didn’t say all Gebrak Fikom committees are clean from cheating. “Honestly I did when I didn’t study, but it’s yesterday. Now, I won’t do that. I and my friends already have will to do not cheating anymore. We start from people around us, from Fikom.” Another committee member agree with Rendy, like Yudha, he says he was cheating, but now he never do that again. Ronalendo confess that he does cheating, “But in last one year, i try not to do cheating again, even though I still give cheat to another.” And there’s Ariel, another committee member of Gebrak Fikom, said he never cheated since he was in 2nd year of Junior High School.

All people in Fikom Unpad have the same wish like last year, Hussein Nawawi, M.Ikom, a lecturer in Fikom Unpad and also supervisor of Gebrak Fikom, enclose it in a quote,

“In order to make Fikom clean and beautiful, not only clean from all dusts, but also clean it from all cheating stuff in academic. Like old man said, clean heart, clean mind, so you can study today, leader tomorrow.”

Hope all wishes come true.

(Clean Heart, Clean Mind - Radio Version)

Written By: Carla Isati Octama, Laila Ramdhini, Piwa Didit Dhita
Photo by: Carla Isati Octama Video By : Laila Ramdhini
Audio By : Iman Purnama Kadar
Announcer : Desti Pratiwi
Script By : Laila Ramdhini

1 comment:

  1. Good campus report but again could become a news story. Are the organisers trying to teach students to be honest as well when they leave and fight corruption?
    If so you could have a news story which might start:
    Padjadjaran University (Unpad) is running an "honesty" campaign to stop exam cheats and produce graduates to join Indonesia's anti-corruption struggle.
    The story must include statistics on cheating, what happens to them and maybe what happends in other countries' universities. Good subject. Three ticks....


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