
Friday, May 28, 2010

Your Body is Your Canvas

Not every body have the guts to have Body painting on their body. People used to refrence tattoo is from the western wolrd. Well the certainly have known the Egyptian.

Tattoo is a symbol of art with the medium of human skin. Based on history, tattoos were first introduced by people during the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, which then spread throughout the world with a growing Egyptian empire at the time. In essence, the art of drawing a tattoo is to provide a carving of colorful pigments in human skin using a needle such that the result is permanent. However, current art tattoos have been modified, so that those of us who do not want to have permanent tattoos can have a temporary tattoo (temporary).

Although most cultures in Indonesia is still putting on the tattoo art of a negative perspective, it did not discourage the development of tattoos on the largest Muslim country in the world.Permanent or temporary tattoo art has been in great demand by large urban community in Indonesia. No exception in Bandung, who got the nickname as a fashion capital.

In the city itself has a lot of standing bandung studios that provides tattoo and body painting.One of the famous is the "Kent-tatto". Tattoo studio that has stood since 1996 this has indeed been widely recognized by the fans of tattoos all over Indonesia. Kent-tatto currently employs four powerful tattoo artists who are distributed in three-Kent tattoo studio in the city of Bandung


According to Subhan, one tattoo artist tattoo studio-Kent Braga, nearly eighty percent of customers in the studio is out of town people who purposely come to Bandung just to decorate the body with tattoos. Therefore, if you want to decorate the body with tattoos or body painting at Kent-tattoo, you must be on the list and make an appointment first.

Most people choose to use tattoos to decorate the body in order to enhance self-confidence.Apart from being an art, tattoos are also used to identify someone's identity. According sabhan, a lot of customers choose a tattoo base on their image about themselve

Costs that we need to spend to make the tattoo is relatively expensive. "From the Kent-tatto own, we fix the price Rp.7500 per centimeter square for the manufacture of tattoo above 80 square centimeters. If making less than 80 cm square, then the price per centimeter is a little bit expensive, "said Subhan. It is fair because the equipment needed to make a tatto is expensive too.

In addition to receiving services making tatto, tattoo studio-Kent also serves a free consultation which is open daily from 9:00 to 03:00 o'clock. This studio also sells specialized drugs to treat tattoos and body accessories like pearching and others.

Text : Achmad Zahid

Ashtra Effendy

Photos : Achmad Zahid

Videos : Adrio Kusmareza

Sounds : RR Siska AK

Achmad Zahid


  1. Salut buat temen-temen yang udah bikin program ini... sedikit kritik :
    Untuk video kurang insert gambar, untk audio nara sumber bicaranya kepanjangan...
    satu lagi, kurang ilustrasi musik...

  2. terimakasih ibu herlina atas kritiknya.. kita akan jadikan pelajaran biar bisa lebih baik lagi..

  3. Did the report need a couple of paragraphs (for bule readers) to explain Muslim attitude to tattoos and why most people in Islamic society don't have any tattoos? Good reading and images.


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