
Friday, May 28, 2010

FSRD ITB presents "Sidik Jari"

Bandung (25/5), ITB’s Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (Faculty of Art and Design) freshmans held an art show which displays 1.728 art in various form by 216 participants at Gedung Serbaguna ITB.

“We display our artwork and later the lecturers are examine our work. Later, the lecturers will give us recommendation about which department of study is suited best for us”, says Sidik Jari chief of staff, M. Fajrur. According to him, this event take 3 months to prepare with help from FSRD ITB. This event will be held for two days, which will display students artwork, freestyle painting and live bands.

The show’s purpose is not only to show the capability and skills of angkatan 2009, but also to give their lecturers a recommendation for the department of study they must attend the next semester. (NTP)

Created by :
Reporting by :
Jacquiline Eunike
Deny Adi Prabowo
Texy by :
Nadi Tirta Pradesha
Photo & edited by :
M. Arief Haadi Mulia
M. Iqbal
Decky Arrizal
Video & edited by :
Dery Adhitya Putra
M. Iqbal
M. Arief Haadi Mulia

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